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Liquid olives (Caviaroli Drops) by Albert Adria. 2 jars.

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Regular price $49.95
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2 jars per order/18 units ea.

Drops are the new creation from Caviaroli, which has teamed up with Albert Adrià to bring haute cuisine to the home. Another step towards being able to enjoy one of the favourites by the chef at Barcelona gourmet tapas bar, Tickets, in the comfort of your own kitchen. It’s excitement, surprise… To describe it in one word: spherification. In two words: spherical olives.

Caviaroli Drops by Albert Adrià are an example of the culinary cutting edge that is arriving in the home and are made through a process called reverse spherificatoin. We can say no more; the formula is top secret. All we will say is that, with this technique, the product inside remains liquid until entering your mouth. Then comes the explosion. Then the surprise, the fun, the delight. Each jar, which can be found in gourmet shops, contains 12 units; that’s 12 opportunities to try the Drops experience.